Principal Message


Mr. Manuj Sharma

A RPS School student is no different from any other young aspirant when he/ she makes his/ her way to the school for the first time. When the students leave, they will have absorbed the ethos of the institution where they will have spent the greater part of every year they stay with us. They return home, term after term, subtly enriched, spiritually enhanced, emotionally evolved and mentally balanced, and most importantly happy. This is a silent revolutionary change we promise to bring in the scholars of our school. One fine day they become confident but not arrogant; gentle, not subservient; humble, not brash; self-reliant, not selfish; knowledgeable, not cunning; firm, but fair; independent, but not obstinate.

Their self-esteem is gently tempered with abiding respect for others. They learn to know victory, but be gracious in their surge to the forefront. They rise to the top without the need to stand on other’s shoulders. They will not let fear deflect them from their duty, and even if that duty is conflict, they will strive for peace and understanding.

RPS School helps to provide the environment to refine and reinforce these core values. Some of it happens through the varied opportunities they have here - games, hobbies, societies, outings, debates and other activities. The value is mostly derived from the interaction between student and their teachers and between the students themselves.

All I can say that being the student of RPS School is being every thing an Indian should be.

Welcome to RPS Public School
